
Developing a Healthy Mindset to Weight Loss

  Get rid of the "If only" mindset Being the person you want to be is not a license to being happy. Unless you are happy with where you are at then you will not be happy once you acquire the thing which you thought you needed in order to be happy. What I am saying is that joy does not come from external circumstances but rather from within. Here is a list of stuff which people think you make them happy: "If only I... "Won the lottery." "Got married." "Owned a new car." "Lived in a better house." "Went for an overseas holiday." "Owned the latest model smart phone." "Lost a lot of weight." Do you know what drives these wants? Covetousness. Other people always seem to have what we want. This leads some people to be resentful to those who they think have it all together. The use of social media has enabled the sin of covetousness to flourish as so many young people display the best of their lives online. O...